Welcome to APLA Health

HIV & Older Adults

People growing older with HIV face extraordinary challenges.

Read more: Gilead's Age Positively Initiative

In 2018, APLA Health launched HIVE (HIV-Elders), tailored for men who have sex with men (MSM) of all ethnicities who are 50 years of age and older and living with HIV. HIVE is designed to improve the health and well-being of this growing population of men by addressing stigma, social isolation, social support, connection and empowerment. Three years later we are thriving! Check out our monthly calendar below for daily fun activities, like Bingo and Trivia games, as well as group hikes, special guests, bowling nights, harbor cruises and movies under the stars.

Discussion Groups

Social support groups provide spaces for safe conversation, building friendships, and emotional support.

Life Skills Support

We provide skills for daily living to enhance quality of life, like taking care of one’s healthcare needs while managing Medicare and personal finances.

Health Education

Our health education program focuses on the issues that affect older men the most, like managing chronic medical conditions and the multiple medications used to treat them.

Community Building

We sponsor group activities to foster community among people living with HIV and help them become flexible, resilient, and confident in their abilities. This also increases their visibility in other communities and spreads awareness of their presence and importance.

Special Events

For more information, please call Emmanuel at 213.201.1547, or for Long Beach call Michael at 562.247.7353.

Please see calendar for a list of all activities with links to virtual meetings.

Mondays – 1:1 Phone Call or Web-Chat Services
12 – 2 p.m.

Call 213.201.1547.

Mondays – HIVE Connections
5 p.m. – Join Program

Join HIVE staff and your peers for a weekly online emotional support group. This is not our first pandemic, so let’s share our grit and resiliency.

Tuesdays – HIVE Coffee Beach Walk in Long Beach
1 p.m.

Meet at Hot Java (2101 E Broadway, Long Beach CA 90803). For more information call Michael Buitron at 562.247.7353.

Tuesdays – Drag Bingo!
4 p.m. – Join Bingo

Join HIVE via Zoom for a fun game of BINGO! Each week, the winner of Bingo will receive a Target gift card.

Wednesday, December 20 – HIVE Coffee and Monthly Birthday Celebration
3 p.m.

Meet at Starbucks in Echo Park. For more information call 213.201.1547.

Thursday, December 7, and Wednesday, December 27 – Virtual Trivia/Wheel of Fortune Game Competition
4 p.m. – Play the Game

Join our virtual trivia game competition with easy and fun categories. The winner will receive a $25 gift card.

Thursday, December 14 – Life Skills Workshop in West Hollywood Library Community Room
6 p.m.

West Hollywood Library Community Room

Grupo de HIVE en Español – Se reunira el viernes 15 de diciembre
Llamar a Emmanuel para mas información al 213-201-1547.



Get in Touch

For more information, please contact Brian Risley at 213.201.1304 or brisley@apla.org
Emmanuel Sanchez-Ramos at 213.201.1547 or esanchezramos@apla.org.